Top 10k strings from Greedy Gulch (1983)(Phipps Associates)[a2].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   3 ;"Press a key to continue":
   2 b$="Not here!":
   2 b$="I don't have it!":
   2 b$="I can't carry any more.":
   2 b$="I already have it!":
   2 b$="Better drop something first!":
   2 b$=" - "+o$(x):
   2 BREAK=1000
   2 1983 Phipps Associates
   2 )-room*100
   1 }|#^H${|!t^F 5<0!n<0"
   1 }#s>$}y#s?$zzz}#6N$sz#0K$y
   1 |#n6$x|#f6$x|#b2$
   1 |#TD$`||il|#84$l|!
   1 |#T:$~q!sZ5#|,$xxvy!uy'#6%$w
   1 {||y#M4$|ww||
   1 {|ul{#a<$k|#<%$|
   1 y}z||z#7M$zz|z#9M$~{|z"
   1 y$=y$+" ":
   1 y#6M$y~#6N$~z
   1 sc+" points!")
   1 rJ#|P$d||d
   1 rJ#|L$hpP|h
   1 rJ#|H$txt{tyxhd|x
   1 rJ#|4$l}i~j
   1 o(x)=q(x):
   1 m||e#p0$m|#p8$m|!
   1 m$(room,x):
   1 m$(room,x)
   1 m$(room,rp):
   1 e,#h8$|t#j2$
   1 e$=c$(cp):
   1 draw=((d$(1
   1 d$="You'll have to work harder than that before you get any help    from me!"
   1 d$="No hint here!":
   1 break=1000
   1 b$=b$+".":
   1 b$=b$+" go that way"
   1 b$=b$+" do that at present"
   1 b$="You have scored "+("nothing at all!"
   1 b$="What shall I do now?":
   1 b$="There is also:":
   1 b$="There are 3 files to be saved":
   1 b$="Press any key to save next file":
   1 b$="It is dark. Better get some":
   1 b$="I have with me:":
   1 b$="I don't understand that!":
   1 b$="I can't"
   1 b$="Do you want to try again?":
   1 b$="Do you want to save this game?":
   1 b$="Do you want to continue?":
   1 b$="...Okay.":
   1 b$=" nothing at all.":
   1 Y$=A$(CP,3
   1 What shall I do now?
   1 OK=(O(N)=ROOM
   1 OK=(O(N)<0
   1 OK=(N=ROOM)
   1 OK=(C(N)=1
   1 O(N)=O(N-1
   1 O(N)=O(N+1
   1 I am dead!
   1 GXACT     
   1 GULCH     W
   1 GULCH     5
   1 G05.F03R14D21E08N.     G04B04.H04D18N.        E09.T07T08.            E09F14.G0712G0805E14N. E09G07.D08T07T08N.     E09G08F10.D07G0804E10N.E09G08E10.D24Q.        H03F16.D31N.           .N.                    .N.                    A30C12.K29N.                                  A31F12.D30D24Q.        A31F13.D27D24Q.                               A01D08.S72N.           A33.F14F09F10N.        A28.E09N.              A22.F14F09F10N.        G09.D32Q.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
   1 E$=A$(Cp,5
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 C(N)=C(N)-1
   1 BREAK=1100
   1 A plank             Four bullets        A gun               A loaded gun        An empty gun        An axe              A box of matches    A 
   1 << BANG >>
   1 ;"street";
   1 ;"spring";
   1 ;"runs into";
   1 ;"mine  >":
   1 ;"map with";
   1 ;"is very";
   1 ;"a pool.":
   1 ;"You may command me to do any-   thing you wish by typing a shortsentence in reply to the 'WHAT  SHALL I DO NOW?' prompt."
   1 ;"To the";
   1 ;"There are three files to load...Start the tape now."
   1 ;"The town";
   1 ;"The roof";
   1 ;"The Store":
   1 ;"The Stables":
   1 ;"The Saloon":
   1 ;"The Mine";
   1 ;"The Desert";
   1 ;"The Desert":
   1 ;"Stable W 
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE";
   1 ;"SALOON";
   1 ;"Press a key...":
   1 ;"Press a key"
   1 ;"Press a key to scroll...":
   1 ;"Press a key to continue...":
   1 ;"Press ANY key";
   1 ;"OFFICE";
   1 ;"Now start the tape & press a key";
   1 ;"MAIN ST";
   1 ;"Livery";
   1 ;"I have no";
   1 ;"HELP SCREEN",,,,
   1 ;"Gulch cafe";
   1 ;"Entrance";
   1 ;"Do you want to load from a      previously saved game?",:
   1 ;"Boarding";
   1 ;"Blacksmith's forge"
   1 ;"Are you starting a new game?":
   1 ;"A small";
   1 ;"A plateau";
   1 ;"A path goes "
   1 ;"<< LOADING >>"
   1 ;"** CONGRATULATIONS **":
   1 ;"   Welcome to Greedy Gulch!",
   1 5301540255035504550556065707590860096010611161126213621465156516671767187119
   1 0971A17.D05M.                   0935A17.B19L.                   1061D12.R12C11L.                0500A13.K09F02O.                0500A14.K15O.                   0900.S70M.                      0738A01.K02O.                   0800A02.K01O.                   0740A01.K04O.                   0800A04.K01O.                   2742A04.K18O.                   0800A18.K04O.                   2500A18F07.D15N.                1556A18D06F07.D16E07I02O.       0800A03.K01O.                   0739A01.K03O.                   2526A03F04.D15N.                1557D07D13F08.H13E03G0508O.     1556A03D06F04.E04E05I03O.       0744A05.K10O.                   0800A10.K05O.                   0741A05.K17O.                   0800A17.K05O.                   1600A30D04F11.T04E11D26M.       1600A30D04E11.T04E12D14M.       1600D04.T04D03M.                1600D03.D18M.                   1755D03D02.H03J02G0405L.        1000.S71M.                      1271D19.D19M.                   1200.O.                         1100.A.                       
   1 000000005555550000000000
   1 0000000000100040000000000000000000000000400000400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
   1 000000000010000000000000
   1 .N.                    B
   1 .3#8@$l|#.@$|wy||
   1 ++++++++++++++++++01111111111100++++++++++++++++(+11111111110000++++++++++++++++++11111000000000++++++++++++++++((01100000000000++++++++++++++(((000000000000000++++++++++++(0000000000000000000++++++++++((00000000000000000000+++++++++((0000000000000000000005555555555000000000
   1 +"00000000":
   1 );"The cabinet has been smashed    open!"
   1 );"A dead rattlesnake lies on the  floor."
   1 )+room*100
   1 ));"' on the wall here."
   1 ''"You did it! I expect you're     wondering who this mysterious   person is - well, personally, I don't believe in ghosts, but    folks 'round these parts do tellof Zeek's spirit still walking  the streets, waiting to avenge  his untimely death at the hands of the James Gang."''"Who knows?":
   1 ''" I am standing in the main road of an old deserted Western      mining town. Somewhere nearby inthe desert is a lost gold mine, and your task is to direct me   to bring a gold nugget back to  the Sheriff's office."
   1 '"The window is open, allowing thebreeze to blow hot air in."
   1 '"Someone has chalked the letter  '";
   1 '"One of the cupboards is open!"
   1 '"A face at the window has just   disappeared!"
   1 '" Some of the objects are not    always as innocent as they may  seem - for instance, you should work hard when trying to drink!"
   1 '" If you need further help now,  type HELP, otherwise if you justpress ""enter"" I will begin to   load the main game."
   1 '" If you are having trouble      trying to do something, it      usually means that what you are attempting is beyond your (or   my!) power. Try a different app-roach and you may succeed."
   1 '" I will act as your eyes and    hands while you guide me with   simple sentences to find the    nugget. Use sentences such as:  GO WEST or ENTER THE SALOON or  USE THE AXE."
   1 '" From time to time I may come   across some objects which may   help you in your journey. At anytime, you can see what I am     holding by typing LIST."
   1 '" Directions are NORTH, SOUTH,   EAST, WEST, UP and DOWN."
   1 '" As this is a long game, when   you QUIT you will be asked if   you want to save your present   position on tape ready to start again the next time."
   1 #[:#P4$l||}
   1 #G<$ozjz 48.!u@.!u0.#tD${y|y
   1 #<@$|a#h%$|
   1 #0G$|gt{#.>"
   1 "Zeeks map reads:            
   1 "You'll need to be sharp to make any use of this!"
   1 "You see the name ""ZEEK THE      MINER"" as the most recent entry."
   1 "You need some poles."
   1 "You need equipment to break intothe cabinet."
   1 "You could try filling my bottle."
   1 "Why people insist on making me  pour things down my throat I'll never know, but... here goes!"
   1 "Water gushes into the sand at myfeet!"
   1 "Try using your eyes!"
   1 "Try using some equipment."
   1 "Try looking at the map..."
   1 "Try listing the objects you are of them may be    useful when you are lost."
   1 "This is the town's cafe, and I  can see several plates of mouldyfood on the tables. There are   cupboards along the walls and a pile of dirty table cloths by a counter."
   1 "This is the sitting room, with  several armchairs and small"'"tables spread around. The anti- macassars are covered in a"'"greasy oil, and I would rather  not peer into the spittoon in   the far corner, if you please!":
   1 "This is the end of the mine as  charted on Zeek's map, but a    passage leading on to the west  has a sign saying"''"   ""ADVENTURER'S DELIGHT"""''"Now what could that mean?":
   1 "This is the Sheriff's office.   Old paperwork is scattered aboutthe room but there is no indi-  cation of a jail. The Sheriff   has left his gun cabinet here."'"It is locked and strongly made."
   1 "This is the Blacksmith's forge, and I see an anvil and grinding wheel. The floor is littered    with rusty nails, splashes of   metal and straw.":
   1 "This is a stock yard with an    extremely high wooden fence all around. I doubt if I could get  over it. Hoof prints in the sandlead mainly from the south and  head out towards the west.":
   1 "This balcony is extremely unsafe- I had better not stay here toolong! There are some rusty old  cans underneath the rotting handrail, but othwerwise I cannot   see much else. The desert       spreads away as far as I can seebut there is a small plateau in the distance.":
   1 "There is a rattlesnake to the   west!"
   1 "There is a rattlesnake to the   west of me."
   1 "The water pours out of the pump and fills the leather bottle I  am holding."
   1 "The snake is now dead!!"
   1 "The pump needs to be worked hard- give it a bit of wellie!"
   1 "The poles are too long!"
   1 "The poles are now short enough  to be used for propping up the  roof."
   1 "The lamp is empty."
   1 "The gun is empty!"
   1 "The fence is too high to climb  (I told you so!)"
   1 "The door has opened."
   1 "The crate falls open."
   1 "The crate defies all my best    efforts to do as you ask."
   1 "The cabinet is open."
   1 "The cabinet defies all my best  efforts to do as you ask."
   1 "The barber's chair and tools    have been left here, and the    floor moves as I walk on it.    There are traces of hair on the floor around the base of the    chair, suggesting that someone  has been here not very long ago."
   1 "The axe is too blunt."
   1 "The assay office is filled with boxes of maps, each showing a   mine location. The maps are all neatly indexed by name.":
   1 "Perhaps there's something under foot that might give you a lift!"
   1 "Paths go "
   1 "Oh dear. I would give up now if I were you! You really need a   map to find your way around the desert!"
   1 "Now, what can I use to prop up  this roof?"
   1 "No hint - just sit back and     enjoy a good wander!"
   1 "Look before you leap (or jump!)"
   1 "It gurgles."
   1 "Inside the mine it is cold and  damp, dripping water echoes     around the walls. The roof sags badly, and as I move, I can hearthe old beams creaking with the occasional fall of rocks and    stones."
   1 "If I were you, I'd try examiningsome of the items in view..."
   1 "I warned you! The balcony has   collapsed under my weight!      I AM DEAD!"
   1 "I need to protect my delicate   head!"
   1 "I need to know whose map you arelooking for!"
   1 "I know of many places and you   can guide me by telling me whichdirection you want me to move.  You only need to type the first letter of the direction, e.g.   ""GO NORTH"" can be entered as ""N"""
   1 "I caught sight of someone in thecorner of my eye, but as I      turned, he disappeared.         "+("I think he had a scar!"
   1 "I am in the store's backroom    where I can see a large wooden  crate on the floor. There are   no windows, but light filters   through some cracks in the roof."''"The crate has been smashed open."
   1 "I am in the hotel reception. Theregister of names is open on thedesk. There are signs that some-one has been here quite recentlysince I can see some hand printsin the thick dust.":
   1 "I am in an old barn, with"'"rubbish strewn everywhere. An   old weathercock above the door- way is squeaking in the light   breeze.":
   1 "I am in a damp musty cellar,    which has obviously not been    used for many years. A set of   creaky wooden steps leads upwardbehind me.":
   1 "I am in a bedroom. A dirty"'"pillow lies on an old mattress  on an iron bedstead. The window is so filthy I can hardly see   through, but I think I am over- looking the desert off to the   west."
   1 "I am dying of thirst..."
   1 "I am at the edge of a small     ravine, 6 feet wide and very    deep, since I cannot hear any-  thing if I drop a small stone.  My voice echoes as I speak into the depths.":
   1 "How should I do that?"
   1 "Get whose map?"
   1 "GLUG. GLUG.                     Oooh, boy! Did I need that!"
   1 "From this entrance hall I can   see a flight of stairs and an   open doorway to my left. An old daguerreotype hangs on the wall showing the portrait of a man   wearing a miner's hat. He has a beard and rather large scar     across his cheek.":
   1 "Do you think it could be a, no, it couldn't be...  but perhaps it is...What do you think???"
   1 "CONGRATS!"
   1 "At all times, try to put your-  self in my position to decide   what you want me to do next."
   1 "Answer YES or NO:";
   1 " You can see your score at any  time by typing SCORE. The max-  imum score is over 900 and this is achieved by overcoming the   many obstacles that will stand  in our way in the quest to find a nugget of gold."
   1 " You can QUIT if you've had     enough, or LOOK if you need to  be reminded of your surroun-    dings."
   1 " Remember that town passages andpaths through the desert turn a lot so that moving north from   one place does not always mean  entering the next from the      south."
   1 " Perhaps you want me to enter a building - so type (e.g) ENTER  THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Afterwardsyou will type GO OUT to get me  out of the building when you    have finished."
   1 " If you want me to move, try    GO EAST or GO NORTH etc."'" If you want me to take an"'"object with me, type GET THE GUN(for example)."
   1 " I can understand many words -  roughly 100 - for example: LOOK,QUIT, GET, LIST, DROP, USE. If Ido not understand you I will sayso."
   1 " Always read my descriptions    very carefully, since they hold all the clues needed to solve   the adventure."
   1 !qoP#^K$|y
   1  or you may be in trouble!":
   1  nugget!  Some long poles     Some short poles    A miner's hat       A hat being worn    An oil lamp         A lighted lamp      A leather bottle    A bottle with water A tin full of oil   An empty tin        A map               
   1  I hit my head!"
   1  <-GOLD                            MINE"
   1   Side street";
   1   BARBERS";
   1     By Mike Farley     
   1      Greedy Gulch      
   1      **** Greedy Gulch ****     
   1       Spectrum Version 11.5.83        Written by Mike Farley         
   1       Greedy Gulch     
   1              Start line
   1                    x           